Proper Diet
- It is not just about sugar, how often you eat can affect your risk for cavities
- Acidic foods can increase your risk for cavities even if they do not contain sugar
- Below is some dietary advice and information on how foods can affect your risk for cavities
Questions to Ask Your Dentist
Be an advocate for your dental health . . . get mouthy!
- Your dental professionals have knowledge to share that can provide you with the understanding it takes to get healthy
- Your dental hygienist and dental assistants are also great resources
- Reduce your child's risk for decay in the hard-to-clean pits and fissures
- Look as natural as your unsealed teeth
- One simple step to help your child keep their teeth for a lifetime
Below are links to articles referencing:
- CariFree products CAMBRA and the medical management of dental caries
- Caries research
- Minimally invasive dentistry topics